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3rd grade

Yarn Weavings (3rd Grade)

Big Idea: Culture

Lesson Overview: Students learned about the history of weaving from various cultures. They learned about weaving terms- warp, weft, and loom. They set up their own weavings and wove in an over/under pattern. At the end they cut and glue felt to make the weaving into a bird. 

II. Objectives / Expected Learner Outcomes

Students will be able to recognize weaving as an art form in various cultures throughout history.

Students will be able to show their understanding of weaving techniques such as warping the loom. 

Students will be able to show craftsmanship through making a weaving with a variety of colors, using the up and down weaving technique, and hiding extra threads. 

III. Standards of Education

• Related National Standards for Visual Arts Education

VA:Cr3.1.3a Elaborate visual information by adding details in an artwork to enhance emerging meaning.

VA:Pr6.1.3a  Identify and explain how and where different cultures record and illustrate stories and history of life through art.

VA:Re.7.1.3a Speculate about processes an artist uses to create a work of art.

VA:Cn11.1.3a  Recognize that responses to art change depending on knowledge of the time and place in which it was made.

• Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning:

3.3 The student will identify craftsmanship in works of art.

3.11 The student will identify how works of art and craft reflect times, places, and cultures.

3.13 The student will identify how history, culture, and the visual arts influence each other.

3.15 The student will examine the relationship between form and function in the artifacts of a culture.

Virginia Standards of Learning: Social Studies/History

IV. Student Group Targeted: 3rd Grade Students

V. Time Required: 4-5 days, 45 minute class periods

VI. Materials and Resources Powerpoint with information and visual displays the history of textiles and weaving.  Handouts to show weaving techniques. 

Materials: Projector, looms, yarn of various colors, popsicle sticks **, scissors, tape 

VII. Itinerary and Instructional Strategies

Lesson 1 (Day 1): Intro to Weaving and Warp  45 minutes - Art history lesson, weaving vocabulary, and demo for setting up the warp on the loom. 

Lesson 2 (Day 2): Starting to Weave 45 minutes - Review from last class, students begin weaving in an over/under pattern for their first color. 

Lesson 3 (Day 3-4): Changing Yarn 45 minutes - Students learn how to change their yarn. They continue their weavings, until at the end of their loom. 

Lesson 4 (Day 5): Ending the Weaving 45 minutes - Students learn how to take their weavings off the loom. They have the option to add felt to their weaving to create a bird. 

VIII. Evaluation Strategies

Students will show their understanding of the concepts by showing that they made the weaving with correct technique- warp, up and down weaving, and hiding extra threads. 

Students will be able to remember what textile art is  and recognize this type of artwork. Students will be prompted by the teacher to remember key art history information. 

Students will show that they can use good craftsmanship weaving, by following technical procedures.

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